Setting up a self-hosted server for StatsDrone involves several technical steps that require a basic understanding of server management and database configuration. This guide is designed to help you smoothly navigate the installation and setup process.
You Will Need:
Basic Linux Server Management: Familiarity with Linux commands and server setup, particularly Ubuntu.
Networking Knowledge: Understanding of network configurations, including firewall settings and IP configurations.
Database Management: Experience with MySQL, including how to create and manage databases and users.
Security Best Practices: Knowledge of secure server communication and data protection measures.
Self Hosting steps
If you encounter any issues during setup, support is available through the StatsDrone app.
1. Install an Ubuntu Server
Begin by setting up an Ubuntu server. Once installed, access the server via its terminal.
2. Install OpenSSH
Install the OpenSSH package to enable secure server access.
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
sudo systemctl enable ssh
sudo systemctl start ssh
3. Install MySQL
Update your server’s package index and install MySQL.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mysql-server
sudo systemctl start mysql.service
4. Create a New Database
Access MySQL and create a new database.
sudo mysql
Verify that your database has been created.
5. Configure MySQL User
Create a MySQL user that can access your database from the StatsDrone server.
CREATE USER 'YourUser'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'YourPassword';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON YourDatabaseName.* TO 'YourUser'@'';
ALTER USER 'YourUser'@'' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'YourPassword';
Restart MySQL to apply the changes.
sudo systemctl restart mysql;
Check that your user has been successfully created with the necessary permissions.
sudo mysql
SELECT user,host,account_locked,password_expired FROM mysql.user;
SHOW GRANTS FOR 'YourUser'@'';
6. Allow Remote Access
Edit the MySQL configuration to allow remote access.
sudo nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
Change the bind-address from to and save the changes.
sudo ufw allow from to any port 3306
sudo systemctl restart mysql;
7. Configure StatsDrone
Log in to the StatsDrone app, go to the Settings page, and navigate to the Self-hosting settings menu.
Enter your Ubuntu server’s IP address, MySQL database name, username, and password.
Need More Help?
If you need technical assistance, use the chat support feature within the StatsDrone app for real-time help.