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How to Use the StatsDrone Dashboard
How to Use the StatsDrone Dashboard

A detailed guide on navigating and utilising the StatsDrone dashboard.

Joe Hatch avatar
Written by Joe Hatch
Updated over a week ago

Introduction to the StatsDrone Dashboard

The StatsDrone dashboard is your central hub for monitoring and managing all your affiliate program statistics. This guide will walk you through the various components of the dashboard, helping you understand how to navigate and utilise its features effectively.

Navigating the Dashboard

Overview of the Dashboard Layout

Upon logging into StatsDrone, you are greeted by the main dashboard, which provides a comprehensive overview of your affiliate programs. The dashboard is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, with the following key sections:

Header Navigation:

  • Home: Returns you to the main dashboard.

  • Programs: Access a list of all available to connect affiliate programs.

  • Analysis: Tools for in-depth data analysis.

  • Analytics: Access various reports and metrics.

  • CRM: Manage your affiliate relationships and communication.

Main Dashboard Area:

  • Program List: Displays a summary of all your connected affiliate programs.

  • Filter Options: Allows you to filter the displayed data by date range, tags, and other criteria.

  • Statistics Overview: Key metrics such as Balance, R. Clicks (Raw Clicks), U. Clicks (Unique Clicks), EPUC (Earnings Per Unique Click), Signups, RC>Signup CR (Raw Click to Signup Conversion Rate), and UC>Signup CR (Unique Click to Signup Conversion Rate). View definitions of terminology below.

Icons and Actions:

  • Help Center: Access the help center for guides and support.

  • Notification Bell: View notifications and alerts.

  • User Profile: Access and edit your profile settings.

  • Search Bar: Search for specific programs or metrics.

  • Sync Button: Manually sync your data with the affiliate programs.

  • Add Program Button: Add new affiliate programs to your dashboard.

Detailed Features and Functions

Program List

The program list is the central component of the dashboard, displaying all your connected affiliate programs along with their key metrics. Here’s a breakdown of each column:

  • Software - Indicates the affiliate management software used by the program.

  • Tags - User-defined labels for categorising and filtering affiliate programs.

  • Last Sync - Date and time of the last data synchronisation with the affiliate program.

  • Balance - Current earnings or financial balance in the affiliate account.

  • Checklist - Feature to select multiple programs for bulk actions.

  • Impr. - Total number of impressions received by the affiliate’s ads or links.

  • R. Clicks - Total raw clicks recorded, including multiple clicks from the same user.

  • U. Clicks - Total unique clicks recorded, counting only the first click from each visitor.

  • Signups - Total number of user signups generated through the affiliate links.

  • Installs - Number of app or software installations generated from the affiliate links.

  • FTD - Number of first-time deposits by new users signed up through affiliate links.

  • QFTD - Number of qualified first-time deposits that meet specific criteria set by the affiliate program.

  • Act. Acc. - Number of active accounts that are currently generating revenue or activity.

  • Deposit Cnt. - Total count of deposits made by referred users.

  • Deposit Amt. - Total amount of money deposited by referred users.

  • Net Rev. - Net revenue generated from the affiliate referrals after deducting costs.

  • RS Com. - Commission earned from a revenue-sharing agreement.

  • CPA Com. - Commission earned per action, such as a signup or sale.

  • Ref. Com. - Commission earned from referring new affiliates.

  • Total Com. - Total commission earned across all revenue types.

  • RC>FTD CR - Conversion rate from raw clicks to first-time deposits.

  • EPC - Average earnings per click across all clicks.

  • ERS - Effective revenue share, calculated as the percentage of total revenue paid as commission.

  • UC>FTD CR - Conversion rate from unique clicks to first-time deposits.

  • S>FTD CR - Conversion rate from signups to first-time deposits.

  • UC>Signup CR - Conversion rate from unique clicks to signups.

  • RC>Signup CR - Conversion rate from raw clicks to signups.

  • EPFTD - Average earnings per first-time deposit.

  • EPUC - Average earnings per unique click.

  • EPD - Average earnings per deposit.

  • EPS - Average earnings per signup.

Filter Options

Use the filter options to customise the data displayed on your dashboard:

  • Date Range: Select a specific date range to view the data for that period.

  • Tags: Filter programs by tags you have set up for categorisation.

  • Search Bar: Enter keywords to search for specific programs or data points.

Statistics Overview

The bottom section of the dashboard provides a summary of your overall statistics, including totals for balance, clicks, signups, and other key metrics.

Using the Dashboard Effectively

Customising Your View

  • Sorting: Click on column headers to sort the data ascending or descending.

  • Tagging: Use tags to organise your programs into categories, making it easier to filter and analyse data.

Data Syncing

  • Manual Sync: Click the sync button to manually sync data from your affiliate programs. Regular syncing ensures your data is up-to-date.

  • Automatic Sync: Set up automatic syncing intervals to keep your data refreshed without manual intervention.

Generating Reports

  • Analysis Section: Access detailed reports from the “Analysis” section in the header navigation. Customise reports based on the metrics and timeframes that are most relevant to you. There are several different report methods, depending on your subscription. These are Account, Brand, Campaign and Dynamic Variable level reports.

  • Exporting Data: Export your data to CSV or other formats for offline analysis or sharing with your team.

Tips and Best Practices

  • Regular Monitoring: Check your dashboard regularly to stay on top of your performance metrics and identify any issues early.

  • Use Filters: Leverage the filter options to focus on specific programs or time periods for more targeted analysis.

  • Set Data Notifications: Configure alerts for important metrics to receive notifications about significant changes or milestones.

  • Explore Integrations: Integrate StatsDrone with other tools you use to enhance your data analysis and reporting capabilities.


The StatsDrone dashboard is a powerful tool designed to streamline your affiliate marketing efforts by providing comprehensive and easily accessible data. By understanding how to navigate and utilise its features, you can optimise your affiliate programs and drive better performance.

For more detailed guides and troubleshooting tips, refer to other sections of the knowledge base or contact our support team.

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